Cold weather safety tips for cats
As a hardcore cat parent, keeping your cats safe in cold weather is vital. Whether they’re an outdoor explorer or a firm homebody, let’s talk cold weather safety tips.
As a hardcore cat parent, keeping your cats safe in cold weather is vital. Whether they’re an outdoor explorer or a firm homebody, let’s talk cold weather safety tips.
Has your cat recently been diagnosed with chronic kidney disease? Or are you worried they might have developed it? We're here to help. In this article we'll explain what CKD is, how your cat might get it, how it's diagnosed, and how you can help your cat manage their symptoms
As much as buying a collar can be extremely exciting, there are pro’s and con’s to your cat wearing a collar. Collars can help make sure your cat can be identified if they ever went missing and they allow people to know your cat is owned
The Hungarian artist based in Serbia, Endre Penovác, is arguably the most masterful painter of cats of our time. In recent years, cats have become a major focus within his body of work, and it’s easy to see why
Most cats are not great travellers and even a short trip to the vet can be a source of enormous stress. This is usually expressed loudly and plaintively; but can also be seen in quiet cats that are breathing faster than usual, or salivating (this can be due to nausea or stress)
It's worrying when your cat goes off its food. But it’s not always serious. Learn why your cat might go off their food and how to tempt them back to the bowl.
It's tick bite prevention week, and we know first hand how unwanted these pesky pests are. Dr
Like us, cats can’t resist the call of Vitamin D. In summer, you know where your cat will be based on which slither of carpet is bathed in sunlight
At KatKin, we like to think outside the box, but we prefer that everything else happens inside the box! Inappropriate urination is one of the most common behaviour issues reported by cat owners. It can occur for a multitude of reasons including medical problems; litter tray aversion; or as a means of scent marking
Have you noticed your cat coughing? Or having a little breathing difficulty? These are symptoms of a wider problem, and they may have asthma - cats can get it too! Feline asthma is not too dissimilar to that in humans. It is defined as chronic inflammation within the lining of the airways
When it comes to sleep, cats are experts. Clocking approximately 12- 16 hours of snooze per day, they sleep roughly twice as much as the average human
We spend a lot of our time trying to teach our cats things ("here is where to find your litter tray", "this is how you high-five", "I'm not going to tell you again that one dead mouse a week is more than enough!"), but there's a lot that our cats can teach us as well. Take movements, for example; next time, watch how your cat stretches its body, especially after waking from a long nap