Introducing A New Cat to Your Home
In the UK, the cat population is growing. This is due more to an increase in the number of cats per household, than an increase in the number of cat-owning households(1)
In the UK, the cat population is growing. This is due more to an increase in the number of cats per household, than an increase in the number of cat-owning households(1)
Arguably, all cat owners have been there. First, wrestling with whether to let your cat outside, and once you've made the decision to allow them, how to go about it
Has your cat recently been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism? Or are you worried they might have developed it? We're here to help. In this article we'll explain what hyperthyroidism is, how your cat might get it, how it's diagnosed, and how you can help your cat manage their symptoms
Discover expert tips on how to discipline a cat and gain insight into how to get a cat to stop doing something you don't quite love.
Knowing how to weigh your cat can be a helpful way of monitoring their health and staying one step ahead of any potential problems. Whether you have a particular weight goal in mind or simply want to ensure that your favourite feline is staying happy and healthy, regular weigh-ins can be very insightful to your cat’s well-being
90% of cats in the UK have access to the outdoors. If you're considering a cat flap, we've got you covered with our top tips for training your cat to use it.
As we reflect on Mental Health Awareness Week, we are full of gratitude to our cats for all the ways they enhance our well being every day. Whether it's the morning cuddle, their comforting purr or the way they make us laugh at their crazy antics, the benefits of cat companionship for both physical and emotional health are well documented
Keeping our cats safe is our number one priority, but keeping track of them when they are outside can indeed prove difficult! There is no 100% secure way of keeping your cats safe whilst they are out and about but there are a few things you can do to make life a little easier if they ever went missing. Letting your cat outside If they have not been outside at all yet then you can follow our useful guide to letting your cats outside, to help your cat transition to going outside regularly
We can all agree that cats combined with playtime is a thing of wonder. Whether they’re chasing a catnip filled banana around the room, swinging off a cat tree, or flying around your home as fast as possible, they’re having the time of their lives, and so are you
Giving a cat a pill can be a daunting task, and there is no single method that works for every person and every cat. If you have a technique that works for you, then it’s always best to stick with that
What is a birthday without a birthday cake? It’s no birthday at all. We want our cats to be able to have that special birthday experience, too. But as a hardcore cat parent, you know you can’t spoil them with a Victoria sponge, or a “pupcake” like you can for a dog. So how can you spoil your cat on their birthday? Well, cats need real meat, no matter the occasion. So, join us as we celebrate our 3rd birthday by making a KatKin birthday cake for your cat. Don’t panic – no baking required. We’ll provide the gently steam-cooked food. You bring the creative flair.
If you are considering getting a new cat, you'll need to introduce them to the current occupants of your home. It is super important to be as prepared as possible for this introduction to allow your new cat’s journey to be as stress free as possible