Kitten Food FAQs
Have a new kitten but need some help with what they can eat? Here a few FAQs all about kitten food to ensure you know the dos and don'ts when it comes to feeding your new cat.
Q - When do kittens start eating?
A - Kittens will be feeding from their mother solely up until 3-4 weeks old. After this point wet kitten food can start to be introduced to help meet the demands of a developing young kitten. Mixing kitten formula and fresh kitten food can help encourage kittens to eat the mixture themselves. Milk can then gradually be decreased until they transition to eating a fresh kitten food diet 4-6 times a day.
Q - What can kittens eat?
A - Kittens can eat a wide variety of human grade food. Foods such as fish, chicken, turkey, beef and duck can all be a beneficial part of a kitten's diet. It is however important to ensure your kitten's food contains the right mix of nutrients, fat and protein. Taurine is an essential protein that cats can only obtain through food. Fresh cat food such as KatKin’s kitten food provides everything your kitten will need to grow into a healthy adult cat.
Q - How often do you feed kittens?
A - Kittens should be fed at regular intervals. Little and often is the best way to feed them as they have small stomachs and high levels of energy. At around 8 weeks old kittens should be weaned off their mothers milk and be having around four meals a day with a high protein diet.
Q - How long can kittens go without food?
A - Kittens should be fed between 3-4 small meals a day. As long as they are eating well during the day they can go all night without a meal. Your kitten will survive 1 day without food as long as they are drinking water. If you notice they haven't eaten for longer you should contact your vet.
Q - How many pouches of kitten food a day?
A - Kittens should be fed the right amount of nutrients daily to make sure they stay a healthy, happy cat. By choosing a personalised kitten food such as KatKin, every recipe is perfectly portioned for your kitten’s exact needs and energy requirements. Each pouch of KatKin contains a full day's serving for your kitten.
Q - Can kittens eat adult cat food?
A - Kittens shouldn't eat adult food. They should only be fed kitten food as they have different nutritional needs than adult cats. Kitten food is essential during the first 12 months of life to properly support their growth and development. Offering the best natural, high-quality food options such as freshly cooked beef, chicken, turkey, lamb or other lean meat kitten food is the best start you can give to your kitten.
Q - Is kitten milk good for kittens?
A - Kitten milk can be given to kittens for the first 4-5 weeks. Ideally they will be drinking their mothers milk but kitten milk formula can be given if this is not available. Kitten milk formula is rich with essential nutrients and high in calcium to help promote healthy teeth and bones. Once kittens start weaning the need for milk decreases as they start eating moisture rich kitten food.
Q - Can kittens drink cow milk?
A - Cow's milk should not be given to your kitten. Most cats are actually 'lactose intolerant'. Their bodies do not have the proper enzymes that are needed to digest the sugar in milk. This means it can cause sickness, diarrhoea and dehydration very quickly in small kittens. Up to 4 weeks, kittens should only drink the milk that is produced by their mothers. After this they can be given a commercial milk formula alongside small portions of high quality kitten food. As kittens start to wean they will get the moisture they need from their food.
Q - Can kittens eat cheese?
A - Kittens should not be given cheese as part of their regular diet. Cats are obligate carnivores, which means they can only get necessary nutrients from meat. From around 8 weeks kittens will be lactose intolerant which means cheese could upset their delicate digestive system. A tiny cube of cheese could be offered as an occasional treat. Remember though that less than 10% of your kittens daily diet should come from treats.
Q - Can kittens eat chicken?
A - Kittens can eat pieces of cooked chicken as part of a balanced diet. Kittens however should never be given raw chicken as it can have Salmonella and E. coli present. Ensuring your kitten is getting the right mix of vitamins and minerals is essential. KatKin's chicken kitten food is an ideal option that has all of the essential nutrients and building blocks for your kitten's health and well-being.
Q - Can kittens eat tuna?
A - Tuna should not be given to kittens in big portions or on a regular basis as it does not form a balanced diet. Kittens should be fed a high-quality, balanced cat food to ensure they stay strong and healthy. Even by feeding your kitten canned tuna as a treat, it could lead to health issues. By eating too much tuna over a long period of time this could cause issues such as mercury poisoning.
Q - Can kittens have catnip?
A - Kittens can be given catnip but many cats do not have any reaction to catnip until after they are 6 months old. As their sensitivity increases sniffing catnip can make your kitten become very playful and sometimes hyperactive. If they eat catnip this can act as a sedative and could send your cat to sleep. Just make sure they don't eat too much as too many catnip leaves can cause an upset stomach.
Q - What to feed a kitten with diarrhoea?
A - Kittens with diarrhoea still need to eat. They need nutrition to heal their intestines and get them back to their normal, playful self. Increasing the fibre in their diet can help balance out their GI tract. Worms are a common reason for kittens with diarrhoea as they can be passed from the mother cat to her kittens through her milk. If your kitten is showing signs of diarrhoea along with other symptoms please contact your vet.