Why does my cat slow blink?

Read time: 5 min
As cat parents, we're used to witnessing their weird and wonderful behaviour. Whether they're zooming around after a long nap, kneading a blanket (or your lap) or wiggling before they play. It's all part of having a healthy and happy cat.
But have you ever seen your cat blink really, really, slowly at you? So slow it almost looks like they're glaring. This is actually a good thing.
If you want to know why your cat slow blinks, what it means and how to interpret it, we've got all the answers right here.
What is slow blinking?
Cats can't speak or smile (shocking information, we know). So slow blinking is the next best thing. A slow blink is a form of communication. It's a way for your cats to tell you how they're feeling. Unlike dogs, cats won't jump up and down as soon as you enter the room or strive to lick your face to show their love. They'll slow blink.
When their eyes narrow as they look at you and they blink slowly, they're basically saying that they feel happy and content in their environment. It's also their way of saying, 'you mean a lot to me'. And it's an honour for every hardcore cat parent out there.
If you have multiple cats, you may even catch them slow blinking at each other as a way of making friends.
The meaning behind slow blinking in cats
Cats can communicate in a lot of different ways. And it's important to understand the meaning behind these interactions to help us create better bonds with our cats. For example, we know that when a cat meows at us, they usually want something like food or attention. When a cat purrs, they're happy. Or, when they're swishing their tail, they've had enough and want to be left alone.
A slow blink is the ultimate sign of trust from your cat. Yes. Your cat really does like you. It means that they're so comfortable around you that they're happy to drop their guard and relax – even for just a second. And that's a big deal for cats.
If you want to encourage your cat to slow blink more often and build that all-important trust and bond even more, you can reward them with a treat. Our 100% meat chicken and salmon nibbles are the perfect choices. Full of nutrients and flavour, these freeze-dried treats are good for their taste buds and their health.
How to interpret your cat's slow blink
So, by now, we all know that slow blinks are a positive thing for your cats to do. It means they're happy, which means we're happy.
But you should be careful not to mistake a slow blink for a stare. Staring is rude. And if you're looking at your cat directly in the eye, waiting for them to slow blink at you, they could end up feeling intimidated or threatened instead.
Did you know that slow blinking isn't just for cats? That's right. It's for humans too. Slow blinking at your cat can help them understand that you love them too and can provide a safe space for them. The next time your cat looks over at you, give them a comforting slow blink. They may take it as an invitation to come over. Or they'll just ignore you. Either way, they'll appreciate the message you're trying to give.
Want your cat to slow blink more at you? Switch up their diet with something they'll love. Our fresh cat food is made with 100% real human-quality meat, gently cooked in our kitchens and frozen to lock in all the nutrients.
Find out more about why you should choose fresh food for cats.