Guide to catnip: what is it & what does it do to cats?

Read time: 6 min
Whether they’re zooming around at the speed of light or feeling mellow under the table, catnip is one of those things that can be really fun about having cats. Each cat will react to catnip a bit differently, but this herb can be a great enrichment tool for your cat.
But what is catnip anyway? And why do cats like it? We have the answers.
What is catnip?
Catnip is a herb in the mint family. Related to peppermint and spearmint (which might be why your cat likes rolling around in your herb garden), it originated in Asia and Europe but can be grown almost everywhere. It makes a great herb to grow in a pot – cat-approved gardening.
You can give fresh catnip to your cat – it’s stronger when fresh, so you only need a little – but most commercial catnip is sold dried.
Why do cats like catnip?
Short answer: it makes them feel good. Catnip contains a compound called nepetalactone that releases when your cat chews on or rubs against the leaves. The nepetalactone creates a reaction in the parts of the brain responsible for emotional and hormonal regulation, which just feels goooood, man.
What's in catnip?
Nepetalactone is the active ingredient in catnip. When your cat sniffs or licks catnip, it triggers a response in the amygdala and pituitary gland in the brain. This creates an emotional reaction and a hormonal reaction – which combine to give your cat that “high”.
What is catnip used for?
Cats use catnip to feel good, just like we enjoy chocolate or indulge in a treat to help us feel happy. Cats like catnip because it just feels nice.
Lots of cat parents like to use catnip to encourage their cats to explore and play (especially if they’re lazy or nervous). Placing catnip on a new scratching post can encourage them to use it, for example, or inside a new carrier to coax them inside.
Catnip effects on cats
Just like Marmite, not all cats react to catnip the same way. In fact, 30% of cats couldn’t care less about the green stuff – particularly very young or elderly cats. But the cats who do like it LOVE it.
The first thing you’ll notice if your cat is into catnip is that they’ll start to try to get that nepetalactone out of the leaves by either rubbing against it, rolling on the floor, or even chewing it.
The reaction is different for each cat. Some might get excitable and playful. They might even get the zoomies. Others will get sleepy and might even drool a bit. For some, the effects will last a while, but others might return to normal in just a few moments. Each cat is different.
Does catnip make cats sleepy?
Sometimes! Not all cats will become sleepy when they smell catnip. But the ones who zoom around will probably feel ready to take a nap afterwards anyway.
How long does catnip take to kick in?
The effects of catnip only take a few seconds to kick in. So you don’t have to wait long for the hilarity to ensue.
How long does catnip last?
Your cat’s catnip ‘high’ can last anywhere from a few minutes to around half an hour, depending on your cat.
Can cats eat catnip?
Catnip isn’t toxic, so if your cat eats some, they’ll likely be fine. But some cats can have adverse reactions or upset stomachs, so make sure you supervise them during catnip time.
Can kittens have catnip?
You CAN give your kitten catnip, but because most cats don’t start reacting to it until about 6 months old, you might as well save your money until they’re a little older.
Is catnip a drug?
Not at all! Despite many cat parents joking that catnip is a drug due to making cats seem ‘high’, catnip is just a herb.
Can cats overdose on catnip?
While it’s not possible to overdose, it is possible to overindulge. So make sure you keep an eye on them during catnip time. Most cats will actually have a “cool down” period after playing with catnip where they don’t feel the effects again for a little while, so it’s very difficult to give them too much. But some might eat too much and have vomiting or diarrhoea. If you’re worried about your cat’s reaction to too much catnip, book an appointment with your vet.
Is catnip bad for cats?
No. It’s perfectly safe to give your cat. Although if they eat too much, it can cause an upset stomach. Try to avoid letting them ingest it.
How much catnip should I give my cat?
You don’t need much catnip for them to feel the effects. And giving them “too much” won’t make their reaction bigger or last longer. But it’s a good idea to limit how often you give your cat catnip so that they don’t build up a resistance – making catnip time more fun next time.
Getting treats like catnip is a highlight of your cat’s day. But if they don’t enjoy catnip, are too young or old for it, or you’re taking a break from offering them the green stuff, switch to KatKin’s irresistible freeze dried cat treats instead. Made from 100% chicken breast or salmon, your cat will go bonkers for Nibbles.