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These cats have transformed on fresh food

These cats have transformed on fresh food
by KatKin Team

Read time: 5 min

Glossy coats. Faster zoomies. Less mess in the litter tray. That’s what happens when carnivore cats get the meat they were born to eat. 

Because a healthy diet? It can change things. (As anyone who’s had a home cooked meal after a string of takeaways can attest.) And it changed these cats’ lives for the better. 

Foz + Sam

Foz Fresh Transformation Cat

My cat Foz was struggling with daily vomiting, which was really worrying. He also had urinary tract issues caused my stress, and was constantly shredding the fur on the back of his front paws and the base of his tail. On top of that, getting him to eat was a real challenge. Every few weeks we were at the vet’s practice. 

After trying countless different foods, including some prescription brands, I finally decided to give KatKin a try. I signed up for the trial, and I’ve never looked back. 

Since then, vomiting has stopped (aside from the occasional hairball), the patches on his legs have improved dramatically, his fur is incredibly soft, and his appetite has returned. 

I’m so much happier and more confident now, knowing that I’m feeding him real, nutritious food instead of the usual ‘takeaway’ food in a pouch. 

I genuinely mean it when I say that it feels good to feed Foz food that I feel is quality, that’s good for him and looks like the food you cook at home! 

Maria + Mitzi

Eight weeks before she started eating KatKin, my cat Mitzi was mostly a bit of a cranky, scratchy and miserable old cat – but now she looks amazing!

Her miliary dermatitis has gone. Her skin is no longer all scabby and bump. Her coat is beautiful and soft and you would think that she’s a much younger cat – the miserable old moggy is no more. 

She’s put on a little weight – which she actually looks better for – but best of all, she seems so much happier. I’m delighted on her behalf. She’s now the healthy, gorgeous, fluffy creature she was meant to be. 

There can’t be anyone out there who doesn’t know that eating junk food, ready meals and ultra-processed foods is damaging your health. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to feel healthy, full of energy and vitality? If eating a proper diet worked for the cat, then it will work for us humans too! 

Lisa + Grayson

Grayson UGC Fresh Transformation Community

Our Grayson unfortunately got calcivirus not long after we got him, and for a while was quite a poorly little thing. We tried a few different foods but he wasn’t too keen on any of them. Until we tried KatKin, and have never looked back!

He loves it, we love how good it is for him, and he’s had no flare ups since. His coat is beautiful, his teeth and gums have improved, and he has loads of energy. (Not sure that’s a good thing!)

I wouldn’t change KatKin for anything… and it’s a very good price, too! Now Grayson’s singing for his supper. 

Want to see the health changes reported by 95% of our cat parents for yourself? Start a trial of KatKin’s fresh recipes here.

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