That Fresh Start Feeling

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When cat parent Zofia brought Nala home, she knew right away that something odd was going on.
Zofia explains, “She didn’t smell that nice – and her fur was very tangled and quite matte.”
Nala was also suffering with horrible diarrhoea. Whatever she was eating, Zofia was sure, wasn’t agreeing with her.
Zofia says, “When I got her she was eating biscuits. The main problem with her food – other than the nutritional value, which was lacking – was that her tummy really didn’t like it.”
Zofia was sick of watching Nala suffer. And as she started looking into big cat food brands, it became clear that her cat’s struggles were directly related to the food in her bowl. So she started looking for alternatives.
“I did a lot of research,” Zofia says.
She settled on KatKin, attracted by the human-quality ingredients and the high meat content. Nala tucked right in. And they haven’t looked back.
Months into their KatKin journey, Nala and Zofia are both feeling the benefits of KatKin’s fresh recipes. Nala’s diarrhoea has disappeared. Her strange smell has evaporated. And her once dull and matted coat is now glossy and thick.
And as for Zofia? She has peace of mind knowing she’s giving Nala the best possible food to support her health. And the real, fresh meat she was born to eat.
“It makes me very, very happy that I’m able to give her the highest possible meat content,” Zofia says. “I feel confident that I’m giving her the best food that I can.”
95% of cat parents report health benefits when they switch their cat to a fresh diet. Like glossy coats, more energy and less mess in the litter tray. Want to see for yourself? Sign up for a 14-day trial box today.