Grooming Senior Cats

Read time: 2 min
As your cat ages, you might start to notice their grooming routine falling to wayside a little. This is because senior cats are prone to developing dental disease and arthritis, two diseases that reduce your cat’s ability to groom effectively leading to their coat becoming unkempt as well as forming knots (aka matts).
Here are our top tips on how to groom your older ladies and gentlemen.
The knots can be really tight and close to the skin, and can even lead to skin damage. That's why it's so important you groom your cat daily, especially if they're medium and long haired cats. You may have noticed matts of hair along the lower back and under the arms, but they can form anywhere so it's key you give them a thorough brushing.
The grooming brush you use will be designed for your cat's fur, so ensure you get the right one for your breed.
If your cat isn't used to being groomed, it may take them a little getting used to. Don't fret, just start of slow, and as soon as your cat becomes uncomfortable or shows signs of distress, step away from the brush and wait until tomorrow.
If you do come across some really tight knots, do not cut these yourself. It's really easy to cut their skin, and we don't want to upset you or your cat. If you spot these knots, it's time to call a groomer as they'll have dealt with these matts before and will be able to help your cat with no damage. If you're very lucky, your vet may even offer this service.
Take your elderly cat to the groomers regularly - we all deserve a pamper session after all. It'll help keep the fur under control, and some groomers will even come to your home if you're worried about causing your cat any stress.
There you have it. If you have any questions about grooming elderly cats, we're on hand to help, just email Until then, go forth and give your cat a good brush!